Outgoing students
Would you like to gain some international experience?
Student can be in 1st semester of bachelor’s degree study programme.
She/he must demonstrate adequate knowledge of a language of study.
Minimum length of stay is 2 months.
The application must be done in advance. At least 2 semesters beforehand.
The recommended study load is 30 credits.
Have you been admitted? Please follow next steps.
1. Nomination
Based on the applications in the Contact Center in AIS, a selection process will take place for students, based on which students will be nominated for a foreign university according to their established priorities. Please note that some universities may only accept a limited number of students. Information about the nominations is always communicated with the student in advance via email. Nominations usually occur 3 to 5 months in advance.
2. Application
As soon as you are nominated to the university, you will be contacted by its coordinator. Usually, you have to provide the receiving institution with the following documents: Copy of ID, Transcript of records, Proof of English proficiency.
3. Learning Agreement
ŠKODA AUTO University follows Erasmus without paper initiative. You have to fill in the Online Learning Agreement. Guide here.
4. Insurance
You need to arrange an insurance covering your whole stay abroad. Proof of the insurance must be sent to the International office.
5. Bank details
Students receive financial support from the Erasmus+ programme in Euros. You have to provide the International office with details of your bank account. You receive 70% before departure and 30% after the completion.
6. Study contract
After completing the previous steps, the student must sign the contract in person at the International Office.
She/he must demonstrate adequate knowledge of a language of traineeship.
Minimum length of stay is 2 months, maximum 12 months.
Students and recent graduates can also do a blended mobility, combining a virtual period with a physical short or long-term mobility. The short-term physical presence abroad as part of blended mobility lasts a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days.
You may carry out a traineeship at any organisation in an Erasmus+ Programme Country (with the exception of EU institutions, bodies and agencies).
1. Application
2. Receiving institution
Choose a company, which you would like to work for. Students have to search for their placement by themselves. International office places job offers on a noticeboard in AIS.
3. Mobility agreement
Students have to fill in their Mobility Agreement.
4. Insurance
You need to arrange an insurance covering your whole stay abroad. Proof of the insurance must be sent to International office.
5. Bank details
Students receive financial support from the Erasmus+ programme in Euros. You have to provide International office with details of your bank account. 70% of the amount before and 30% of the amoutn after the completion.
6. Grant agreement
After completing the previous steps, the student must sign the contract in person at the International Office.

Graduate internship
Lenght: 2 - 12 months
It must be started and completed within 1 year of completing the studies.
The participant must be selected for the internship while still studying (signature of LA recommended).
Maximum duration: 12 months (including months of mobility during the previous study cycle).
Receiving institution = any public or private organization that operates in the labor market or in the fields of education, vocational training, youth, research, and innovation.
Inclusive mobility
Participants with physical, mental, or health-related disabilities
Reimbursement of 100% of actual costs
A budget to cover the student’s specific needs based on actual expenses
This can include, for example, special accommodation, meals, transportation, preparatory visits, accompanying persons, modified learning materials, medical visits, etc.
Participants with economic barriers or specific dietary requirements
One-time increase of the contribution
A student with an economic barrier must provide proof of eligibility for child benefits, proof of a social scholarship, or proof of household income
A student with specific dietary requirements must provide a medical report.