
UDRŽITELNÉ FIRMY navrhovaly týmy studentů ŠAVŠ v rámci výuky předmětu SSM


BEE Fresh, Eco Food Lovers, Hydro Dragon a Cricket Flour, jsou názvy udržitelných firem, které navrhli a také obhájili studenti ŠKODA AUTO Vysoké školy v rámci blokové výuky předmětu Strategic Sustainability Management

Druhý ročník inovativního, interdisciplinárního předmětu Strategic Sustainability Management, vyučovaného v angličtině pomocí metody Agile Team Project Learning, přinesl pro studenty nové zajímavé zkušenosti.

Pojem udržitelnosti v řízení firem inovativní formou představili studentům akademici ŠKODA AUTO Vysoké školy ve složení Mgr. Eva Švejdarová, Ph. D., M.A. z Katedry řízení lidských zdrojů, Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph. D. z Katedry marketingu a managementu, Ing. David Holman, Ph. D. z Katedry řízení výroby, logistiky a kvality a Ing. Josef Horák, Ph. D. z Katedry financí a účetnictví.

V rámci výuky předmětu získávají studenti znalosti o tom, jak uspokojit potřeby a zájmy různých skupin stakeholderů prostřednictvím mezioborových, meziodvětvových a mezifunkčních znalostí systému. Kurz integruje oblasti řízení životního cyklu produktu udržitelnosti, environmentálního marketingu, řízení udržitelnosti dodavatelského řetězce, udržitelného strategického řízení lidských zdrojů a environmentálního účetnictví.

A jak zhodnotili svou zkušenost sami studenti?

It is great form of learning, I like more practical things, so it is great.

It was an amazing week. I was lucky to have my team full of active people. This subject taught us a lot and I am very happy to take part in it.

I really enjoyed this subject. I think agile learning methodology suited the subject and helped us working with time when we are on time pressure. I appreciated that the problematic of sustainable management was learned from all the different angles of company and from teachers who are genuinely interested in the subject.

A very useful subject where I tested my communication and teamwork skills.

I am very happy about this subject. It is quite different from the others. I am glad that I didn´t give up and I said to myself that I can do it and it can bring me new contacts new skills and information.

It is great subject, I learned a lot about marketing.

The subject was interesting summarizing the overall knowledge. I liked the way we worked, the combination of practice and theory.

I enjoyed the subject some parts were really interesting. I enjoyed teamwork.

Our team worked quite well all week, there were a lot of interesting ideas. I liked it, it was a good experience.

My expectation we exceeded.

I have learned lot about sustainability management, about the principles and methods that are used. Then I appreciate teamwork as a significant component of the lecture. We could share our ideas and together we made our work better.

Very beneficial.

Although it as difficult to sit at a computer all day and in a language other that my mother tongue, this subject was very beneficial for me not only in terms of knowledge, but also in terms of language and I am glad that I chose it.

It was quite challenging but we learned many new things.

I like the intensity of the course the selection of professors and selection of useful topics from the business point of view.

I really like how we merged together knowledge from different subject to the stat up plan. It taught me many things.

SSM it useful for me to create a start- up. I think the course arrangement is very good because it inspires me to be a startup company from 4 main aspects.

It was very interesting experience.